Jen,Gabe ,Kelly ,and I were on the way to the lake and we stopped for gas in Summerwood and the Summerwood firetruck was gasing up,so Jenny got out and talked to the firemen and asked if Kade could stand on the truck. Landon was watching from his carseat
Jen is such a good mom,she tries to help Kade and Landon have a good time wherever they are and learn about the things around them
Kassidy had a birthday party at JUmping Joeys and this is Kade going down the giant slide. Kassidy spent most of her time playing with a baby sister of one of the little girls invited to the party
Chloe and Landon hitched a ride with Ryan down the slide
Jumping Joey even made it to the party. Landon thought he was really funny
Here we can see some of the fun going on . Thanks Kassidy for a fun party!